Kat & Mat

Lifetime Journey Growing Old Together



general information

Never Ending Friendship

This past week was a whirlwind of non-stop late night outs!  For this grandma who always sleeps by 10pm, it was quite a task, but finally Friday has arrived and I think it’s safe to say, I survived the week. … Continue Reading →

Lau Lau Recall!

It is rare that I want to eat Lau Lau, but when we were grocery shopping the other weekend, I saw that it was on sale at Safeway for only $9.99 (which after-the-fact, I found out isn’t even a very… Continue Reading →

Can you stand the heat?

90 minutes in a heated room. 26 poses, each done twice. That is Bikram Yoga. Groupon always has yoga coupons, so a few of my friends and I decided to try it out.  Let’s face it, we’re not getting any… Continue Reading →

“You’re Only 29!”

January 14, 2013 5:30am: woke up and the first thing I did, the same thing I do every morning, was go to the bathroom. Except this day was slightly different from other days, as it was the day I was… Continue Reading →

The Three W’s

I had a light bulb moment today!  01.06.13 was a triple “W” Sunday! W. = Work W. = Wedding planning W. = Workout I went to work from 6am to 1pm.  Came home and looked up wedding invitation ideas.  Then… Continue Reading →

Out with the old & In with the new!

Out with the old…   Mahalo for your civic duty over the past five years Civic SI! Matt will miss driving a manual car, but I am ecstatic that this next one is automatic! Now we can both drive it…. Continue Reading →

Accept & Conquer Challenges!

Happy New Year! The final hour and minutes of 2012 was spent in the bathroom keeping my pup company.  Oh how she hates fireworks! I think she learned from Buddy, who was also deathly afraid of fireworks. 2013 is going… Continue Reading →

Reflections of 2012!

As 2012 draws to a close, it seems the natural thing to do is to reflect upon the year – point out the ups and downs, as well as think of resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. This is… Continue Reading →

Exactly 4 Months To Go!

Wowowowow, time is flying by too fast!  Today marks our 8th month, which means only 4 more months to go until our BIG DAY!  Sadly, our save the dates still have not gone out yet, but a design created by… Continue Reading →

Adventures in “The Big Apple” 2012!

First time to the east coast and first time to New York!!! A few things learned: A straight 10 hour flight is LONG, so make sure you get the aisle seat, especially if it is an overnight flight.  Mid flight,… Continue Reading →

To New York, Or Not To New York

That is the question! New York, New York the city so nice they named it twice!  I have never been to the East Coast before, but the perfect opportunity has presented itself to me and it is hard to turn… Continue Reading →

Take a Peek at the Shoes!

I’m not sure why, but I was in the bathroom and I noticed the person in the stall next to me had orange heels on.  It reminded me of when I was little and we used to play the game,… Continue Reading →

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